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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Balderdash and Falderol: Friday Funny's:

Small talk is huge, compared to Falderol; a trifle, a gimcrack. That we have words such as these, indicates that humans have enjoyed the silliest of gimmick's and side-show's. Beneath slap-stick, wackier than Jerry Lewis, and pretty much no formula needed. America's Funniest video's probably best illustrates this phenomenon, or subtle aspect of human nature. People pay attention to this trivia, though they would not pay a high admission to sit for performances of balderdash and falderol. How-so-ever this element is part of the mannerism's and sticks of some of the best known comedians. Waving a cigar, with an ink mustache, palm on the face (Jack Benny), nervous twitches (Rodney Dangerfield), stumbles and falls, (Dick Van Dyke and Chevy Chase), all setting the stage for laughter.

What would the world be without laughter?. Apparently unacceptable. We are genetically programed to be drawn towards humor and laughter. So, if it is a pre-requisite of life, it must have benefits. Laughter is the best medicine is a common expression, and most of us can see relief of tension and worry, with laughter, especially the belly rolling kind. It's equally to compare music to humor, as they both seem to benefit, be universally attractive to humans, and they both can change moods and calm storms.

it is easy to experience lack of food, or hunger, also thirst, but the absence of humor and music in our lives does not speak from physiologic sources. In the body, mind, spirit union/trilogy, just as music is a resident of the spiritual human world, humor is probably also a spiritually based part of being human. So the first laugh, is the most important of the day, three square laughs a day is recommended, with laugh snacks allowed. Perchance we might follow the 5 laugh groups, satire, slap-stick, stand-up, Improv and irony. Government agencies like the USDA and FDA often disagree on the 5 laugh groups, maintaining that mime, silly walks and actions, and mis-hap's (falderol) belong. Try out new laugh's and feel free to use more than 5 styles, and if you don't find that they stick to the ribs, check out a DVD, and let go. If you find that you are hungry after a half hour, try comedy clubs, until you don't have that gnawing hunger.


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