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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Friday Funny's:

Ah yes, what could be more bazar, weird or funny than observing human's? If an intelligent life form were to observe us, and our planet, they would be dumbfounded, befuddled and amused. I know that I am. No where on earth, is there a species, that display's such huge contradictions in behavior. A squirrel in a tree, or in the ground, is going to act in similar behavior on every continent that has trees. Among some species, like wild cats, they have similar behavior's and establish their "breed" within the niches allowed by other cats. Bird's usually fly (down under being the most common exception's), fish gotta swim, and what do human's do?

Scientist's can form a shared language with other scientist's about the behaviors of various species in field observation; as the animal's of the world are instinctually led to follow natural laws, and communal or isolated social relationship's. There exists almost no inter-species violence; only the peripheral establishment's of territory or herd-hierarchy. Natural disaster's can necessitate a magnified territorial imperative, but war's are never the outcome. WTF? Where do humans fit in the biology and science of life?

The simple answer is; we don't fit. Original sin, fate, karma, "the heaven's and star's above" deities, cosmic punishment, cosmic rewards, cosmic indifference and cosmic compassion and intention are some the many unnamable's for "that's just the way it is"*, or none of the above. Our human history is the tiniest fraction of the living history of our planet. It is primarily less than 10,000 year's old, with the chronicle's of the house of David being about 6,500 years, Egypt, India, China, Malaysia, Africa and Narnia, have longer oral traditions and legends. Then there are cave's with art, relic's of past times and culture's. Carbon dating is the number one method of theorizing about the more distant past. So where does that leave us with the perplexing behavior's of the human species?

From the cave's we know that the more current species at one time lived communally and had the natural law necessity of board definition's and either resolve, short term conflict or migration. I personally have a hard time using any sacred teaching's as to the cause of the fall or human's. The tree of knowledge might well be the naming of nation's, the recognition of king's, princesses and the like, or a more defined and "civilized" (joke of the day) way for assurance of continued survival in a group's self-proclaimed living room. The cause of our fall?; for me I go, like Hermes, Socrates, and many other's as the 7 deadly sins. Not one, not three like I wrote earlier in the week, but 7: Sloth, gluttony, lust anger, envy, greed and pride.

The most perplexing part's of this discussion are:

  1. What caused the species to become lazy?

  2. The 7 deadly sins are in my view, three circles of life, within a logical order. Therefore, sloth beget gluttony, beget lust, beget anger, beget envy, beget greed justified and entitled as pride.

  3. Why have we not learned? How can a species continue when it is so out of step with its own natural laws?

Not so much comedy as foundational prologue to a new attitude. When we recognize that our "unnatural" selves are led further astray by laziness and indifference, by over-consumption, by willful desire to oppress and control, by reactivity to Kismet and life experiences, by striking our (thought's words and action's) by taking what is not our's, and by anointing ourselves as different and better than other's in our species or "family's".

So laugh at ourselve's; the F'd up species of all inter-galactic contradiction's of reason and natural law. We so good! Y'al so bad, shame on you, bow to me, and give me your money. Tune in at 8 for the pod cast on Facebook.

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