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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

HLS gathering, part 2

As I settle into a transitional housing situation, awaiting completion of my sister's affair's and distribution of her estate, I enter a transitional period in my blogs and pod casts as well. I am the Personal Representative, the same as trustee and executor of my sister's asset's and properties, except my sister never notarized a will, and we have had to go through formal, estate lawyer led, county, state and federal guidelines; all now complete without protest, and her home has a buyer. Soon, I move from this transitional housing to housing or a final landing east of the Oregon City of Klamath Falls. I have history, family and client's in this area, and east of KFall's, it is open, quiet and very inexpensive. At the final landing my blog's, pod casts, youtube channel, technology and editing will all be part of my future as doctor, teacher. pastor and president of the Institute of Advanced Paradigm's unless someone has captured my past colleges name, which really doesn't matter. I won't start registering my non-profits until I have a final physical address.

Yesterday I did a HLS blog on Pan' which I will import later to this site. The theme was the 4 season's the circle of life, as we pass summer solstice this week, and enter our maximum period of growth, learning and maturation. When our western world went from a true lunar (13 moon cycles) to a Roman calendar of 364 days of tribute to the brutal, ignorant, and self entitled peoples of the Roman Senate and ruling class, our concept of time worked against us. It confused our bodies and our mind's as our spirit was downhearted and rebuked by our bowing down to the emperor's of these dark ages.

If you google, proportionate map of the world, you will find that the European cartographer's chose to .diminish the size and location of Africa by a factor of 2 to 1, placing it well below it's longitudinal location which sits right dab in the middle of where Spain and Francce exist on most God save the Queen maps. In fact Europe really is the northern cast-off lands of of an inferior, losing species of humans, who stole gunpowder from the East and executed conquest, genocide attempts at world dominance similar to Julius Caesar, Attila the hun, and Genghis Khan, to be mirrored in their own tribes by Napoleon and Hitler.

It pretty much all started in Africa, the true land of summer and the garden of eden. It existed well before the 10,000 year histories of India and China. And it existed in tribal tradition's with each tribe being one family (or species) and all other's being "other's". perchance the original "them" for whom we always ask, "who are they anyway?". These tribes would go centuries without major wars, with boundaries and resources being the only indeterminant of their historical co-existence.

Later this week, I will blog about tribal tradition's that we might wish to bring back, and spiritual practices of tribal families.



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