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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Home of Loving Spirit

Our bylaws:


ARTICLE I – Principle Office

The principal office of the Corporation, (also referred to as the "Church") shall be located at:

6907 SE Reedway St.

Portland, Oregon 97206

Other contact information: Email address for President: Dr. Steven Bailey:

(253) 432-2892 cell number for President Bailey

Web site will be constructed in 2024

Name, tbd

ARTICLE II - Purpose

2.1 Home of Loving Spirit is organized to form a non-denominational church to share broadly with religious and public groups, as well as individuals the art and science of Spiritual Healing. 

2.2 Evolving Review This Church will continuously review its charter, bylaws, curriculum, and actions to assure the most complete sensitivity and respect for world religions, from indigenous to the major religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. 

ARTICLE III – Structure of the Church

3.1 Nondenominational 

The church, Home of Loving Spirit, shall be a welcoming community of non-denominational people of faith. Its purpose is to offer a home or community dedicated to bettering the spiritual, emotional, and physical health of our communities. It shall welcome people of all faiths. Seeking to honor all religious traditions, the Home of Loving Spirit seeks to assist others in finding the living spirit and both experience and share this in it’s broad healing influence. 

3.2 Events The church may hold regular events, services, or observances, adhering to a vegetarian restriction for on site events. 

3.3 Fundraising The church may independently raise money to buy land or buildings to house events, provide a home for an Institute of Advanced Paradigms hereafter referred to as the IAP program and share with the community as it chooses. 

3.4 New Churches Each new church established by an ordained graduate of the Portland IAP shall, within the first year, seek to establish a non-profit or other service organization dedicated to the community spiritual and physical health. 

3.5 New Schools The new church may serve as the home of a new IAP school when it has a third level graduate of the IAP willing to sit as chancellor for said school. Each additional Home of Loving Spirit, shall, in its bylaws, maintain prohibitory language such that the church maintains sensitivity to all faiths and that each church, should it reach the capability of starting its own school, shall grant it’s first level minister’s degree on a no cost, pay-it-forward program to be identified by the curriculum committee of each new school. 

ARTICLE IV – Structure of the Institute of Advance Paradigms

4.1 Educational Arm The Portland Institute of Advance Paradigms, and all subsequent IAP schools shall serve as the educational arm of the Home of Loving Spirit, granting a Minster’s degree in Sacred Healing or appropriate alternative title, based upon the study and competency of philiopractic practice. 

4.2 Philiopractic healing is a path of knowledge, friendship, and empathy. This is a system of religious healing based upon the blend of ancient knowledge with contemporary science. Philiopractic denies a separation of body and spirit, and seeks to reawaken our spiritual roots of healing. Its teachings are seeded by the Home of Loving Spirit and identified as paradigm and practice within the Institute of Advanced Paradigms. 

4.3 Chancellor The school shall have a chancellor, whose job is defined by the associated church, but whose ultimate responsibility is the oversight and maintenance of ordination and degree councils deemed capable of appraising the ethical standing or nature of each graduate. 

4.4 Degrees 

The IAP will offer three degree programs each constituting 2 years of study. Working degree titles are Minister, Pastor, and Reverend. But can be individualized at the 2nd and 3rd levels, with School approval, to most appropriately adhere to the religious teachings and principles of each graduate.

4.5 First Educational Degree The first degree of Minister of Sacred Healing will be awarded after successful completion of a two-year curriculum. All 200 required hours for the certification of Minister shall be live classroom hours.  

The awarding of the degree will require a council of elders, chosen by the school leadership to evaluate the student’s effort, competency, and most importantly qualities of personal continence, defined within the seven virtues. These seven qualities, evaluated at higher importance at each level of study, are vigilance, abstinence, chastity, kindness, gratitude, service, and humility. 

The degree of Minister of Sacred Healing, permits the graduate to become licensed within their jurisdiction to obtain the rights and privileges of a church minister. Aligned with these rights and privileges are the concurrent skills and trainings associated with the practice of Philiopathy. 

4.6 First Educational Degree Payment Each Church and Institution shall guarantee that their first level of education for the degree of Minister of Sacred Healing will always be presented as a Pay-It-Forward Program, with service to the community, institute, and church as the only fee for this education. The student will pay for this education through agreed upon work exchange. 

4.7 First Level Faculty All first-level faculty shall be volunteer and include an evolution of progressive classes into the ongoing instruction. 

4.8 The Second Degree and ordination will be Pastor (or Title selected by each Student and approved by Faculty). The title of Pastor or associated 2nd degree enables this person to establish a Church in their region under the Charter and Authority of the First Church. 

4.9 The Third Degree, upon completion of a final program will lead to a degree of Reverend or other revered designation. It is this degree that allows the establishment of an institute utilizing the curriculum and Philiopathic practices of the Institute of Advanced Paradigms. 

4.10 Second and Third Year Fifty percent of level two class time shall be with an ordained or higher degreed graduate of an IAP. Students in the third level of study will be required to have a minimum of 25% classroom time with a third degree graduate. 

4.11 Second and Third Year Tuition and Fees: Costs and faculty salary for second and third level programs shall be moderate, and determined by a consensus of church and school leaders. The IAP may only seek financial payment for participation in the second and third degree programs. These fees and tuitions will be kept as nominal as possible so that these educational programs do not create a financial burden that limits the graduate from being able to serve populations in the greatest need. 

4.12 Fundraising The church may raise money for the school for the purpose of: library, materials, operations costs within a church building or property, and insurance as needed to support the programs. 

4.13 Fasting Requirements Ministers must successfully complete a 20-day liquid juice fast. Second-degree graduates must complete a 10-day water fast and lead at least one 10-day juice fast. Third-degree graduates must  complete a 20-day water fast and successfully lead a 10-day water fast.

4.14 Graduation Requirements: unique to this program, but consistent within religious education, is the requirement of an oral exam/review by School Council before granting the degree, rights, and privileges of being a Minister. This final oral is in addition to satisfactory attendance and participation in all required course material. 


5.1  Legal Structure. The officers of the corporation are: President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

5.1.1 The President should be a person who has attained a 3rd Degree Education within the Art and Science of Philiopractic care. As the profession begins the process of these advanced graduates the Board of the First Church may determine its best choice to lead the school until future graduates arise for the need. The President shall preside at all meetings, shall make an annual report as to the status and condition of the corporation to this Board of Directors no later than January 27th of each calendar year. The President shall sign all certificates, contracts, deeds and other instruments of the corporation. During the absence or disability of the President, the Secretary shall exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties of the President.

5.1.2 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings: shall have charge of the seal and corporate books and shall make such reports and reform such duties as are required of him or her by the corporation, and shall sign all certificates, contracts, deeds and other instruments of the corporation as directed by the President, Treasurer and duties outlined in Articles of Incorporation.

5.1.3 The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies and securities of the corporation and shall keep regular books of account. The Treasurer shall disburse rightful funds of the corporation in payment of the just demands against the corporation or as may be required. The Treasurer shall make an accounting of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the corporation. The Treasurer will use an audit-approved accounting system as approved by the Board of Directors.

5.2 The officers of the corporation shall hold offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified, or until a written Letter of Resignation is tendered to the members of the Board of Directors and accepted by same.

5.3 The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each year, one day before the end of the fiscal year, in person. Special meetings may be called if and when the same may become necessary. Appropriate notice for Special Meetings shall be given to all Board Members, as described in the articles of Incorporation.

5.4 Ecclesiastical Structure. The Ecclesiastical structure of the Ministry shall be composed of: members attaining Pastoral or higher degree.


6.1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors of the Church shall consist of not fewer than 4 nor more than 7 or 9 persons in number, and are granted all necessary powers to exercise all directives necessary for the operation of the Church, expressed or implied, which shall be necessary and proper to carry out all the executive functions, and all other powers both civil and ecclesiastical as may be determined by the bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and approved and adopted resolution by the Board of Directors.

6.1.1 TERMS: The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of 2 year terms, elected on alternating years. The Term shall be computed from the day of election to the post and each member may hold office until such time as an election by the members can be had. Elections schedules and procedures shall be defined in these bylaws. It shall be determined by unanimous vote of the Board, the length of term of service to be rendered to the Board of Directors.

6.1.2 ELECTIONS: General Elections shall be held on an annual basis, with one half of the positions and any vacancies being voted upon each election. The annual election shall be held in July each year.  The required number of votes for office holder approval shall be a simple–majority.

6.1.3 VACANCY: In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors - through attrition, resignation or forced vacancy, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall fill via appointment such vacancy by a "simple majority" vote at a duly held meeting until a successor has been duly elected and qualified. Should the vacancy assume during mid-term, the Board of Directors shall be required to hold formal special mid-term elections no later than 60 days post vacancy or in the event of the Presidency, no later than 30 days post vacancy.

6.2 SECRETARY. The initial Board of Directors position of Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors with a 2 year term limit, which may then be extended through formal elections at an appointed date to be determined by the Board of Directors.

6.2.1 The Secretary shall be the keeper of the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings, by all members, Board of Directors meetings, committee meetings, councils and other Boards or tribunals, as authorized by the Board of Directors. These shall constitute the formal records of the Church and shall be kept at the principal office of the Ministry. These records shall be deemed available for viewing by any and all requests, either public or private.

6.3 TREASURER. The Board of Directors must have a Treasurer which is independent of all other positions, and the person who holds the office of Treasurer may not hold any other position on the Board of Directors due to potential conflict of interest concerns. The Treasurer shall only be elected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be the treasurer of the Church, and shall have overriding custody of all moneys and securities of the Ministry and shall make an accounting of all of the Ministry transactions.

6.3.1  All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes, evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation, or any other encumbrance, shall be signed by the Treasurer of the corporation. In the absence of availability of the approved Treasurer, the Board of Directors may appoint a secondary signator who may sign on behalf of the corporation.

6.3.2 All funds of the Corporation must be deposited as required to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors may elect.

6.3.3 Any member of the Board of Directors or the Pastor may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contributions, donations, gifts, including real property, works of art, bequests or devise ("contributions") for any purpose of the Ministry. Any and all contributions are the sole property of the Corporation and shall be duly noted and entered into the assets accounts and accounting by the Treasurer.

6.3.4 The Treasurer shall keep correct and complete financial records of all Ministry account(s). All books and records of the Ministry may be inspected by any member, or agent, for any purpose at any reasonable time.

6.3.5 The Treasurer shall be authorized to appoint person(s) to assist the Treasurer, with approval from the Board of Directors, in carrying out the duties and functions of the Treasurers Office. Any person(s) who are appointed to this role may be subject to formal background checks as appropriate for the fiscal responsibilities assumed.


7.1 The Annual Meeting of the Corporation is required and mandatory and shall be held on January 24th.  All members of the Board of Directors are required to participate in person and no proxy shall be appointed their stead unless previously approved by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting shall consist of the business of member nominations and elections to the Board of Directors as appropriate. A quorum of the membership is required.

7.1.2 QUORUM: A quorum is hereby defined as two-thirds total membership of the corporation, excluding the members of the Board of Directors.

7.2 Special Meetings may be called by a vote of the Board of Directors, a directive issued by the President of the Board of Directors, or a directive issued by the Pastor as they in their discretion deem necessary. Notices for the calling of special meetings shall be given to all members in writing with 30 days prior written notice and shall be delivered via certified mail. Attendance of Special Meeting events may be conducted via proxy, with prior approval of a simple majority vote of the currently serving Board of Directors members.


8.1 The Board of Directors may adopt such rules of procedure and regulations governing the conduct of its business and the organization of the Corporation as they may deem necessary, proper and expedient.

8.1.1 Appeals and Arbitration: If damage to person(s) or to the Corporation shall occur through the direction, action or inaction of the members of the Board of Directors, any individual member, or assemblage of members of the Corporation, shall have the right to request a special meeting, in order to pursue an appeals process as determined by an independent third-party board certified Arbitration specialist. The costs of such appeals shall initially be born by the party requesting the appeal(s). These costs shall be wholly the responsibility of the party determined to bring damage to the Corporation at the termination of the Appeals and Arbitration process.

8.1.2 Determination of Arbitration: All parties shall hold sacred the determination and outcome of the independent arbitrator who's decision shall be held as legal and binding by all parties to the appeals process.


Any and all provisions of the Bylaws, except those provisions enumerated in Article V may be modified, altered or amended by two-thirds majority vote of all members of the Board of Directors either at a regular or special meeting called explicitly for the purpose of amending these bylaws. If the proposed amendment(s) are adopted as herein provided, the results of the vote shall be announced by the Secretary of the Board of Directors and declared adopted by the President of the Board of Directors, whereupon such amendments shall be in full force of effect either on the date specified for the enaction of said amendments, or without an adoption date and time, shall be in full force and effect immediately upon adoption.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, acknowledged and filed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation under the laws of the State of Oregon, this 27th day of January, in the year 2016.

_______________________ Rev. Steven A. Bailey, N.D.

Signature of Incorporator______________________________Print Name of Incorporator


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