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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspiration's Tuesday:

Is inspiration a feeling? We say that we "feel inspired", but what does this mean? I think upon the times that I found inspirations throughout my life, and the best I can reflect is that there was a heartfelt sensation, a courage and a strength of conviction. Coaches give "locker room" speeches and halftime refreshers, and sometimes they hit a bullseye, sometimes they fall flat. In any event the locker room speeches are the icing on the cake of hard work, dedication and anticipation. Stage fright, nervousness is a very common feature in the hearts and minds of the players, and this shadow is often a driving force for the competitions or events.

I have sat in locker rooms where the coach was flat and not at all respected, and the speeches were listless if not hollow. Defeat was not inevitable at these times, but victory could not be credited to the talk or motivational talents of the coach, but due to the resolve and skill of the players. I played 4 varsity sports in college and 6 in high school, and each season had new experiences and sometimes a night and day difference. Some coaches stand out as leaders and true motivators, each with individual attribute's that can not be faked by the less empowered. I had a few truly great coaches and more than a few terrible people who were given the privilege of working with our youth. I have seen coaches destroy confidence and sometimes start a downward spiral in their path.

Whether it's an author, a motivation speaker, a conductor or a coach the quality of the person far exceeds the cleverness of the words. Though they might maintain a professional continence, or a stoic personality, I believe that inspiration comes from these human qualities: Respect for oneself and others. Compassion. Honesty. Vision. When the audience trusts the speaker, the words resonate like no others. Sure, one can feel inspired with no help from others, but there has had to be help throughout life, encouragement, skills and self respect, and then a single epiphany can

inspire, thanks to the village that raised us.

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