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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspiration's Tuesday's:

But for the grace of God, go I. Then, there is T.S. Elliot's, "those who look down on others, rarely see's what's above". What greater gift of gratitude, than to be reminded of the many things going our way. I picked my sister up, every other Wednesday or Thursday to visit our mother, for over 10 years. Later, I would be an every 3-week taxi, as neither Virginia or our mother drove. Virginia would always ride shotgun, and when she saw someone who looked impaired, she would hand a 20 as we stopped at the lights. What she didn't see, was the invisible disabilities that so impair, so many.

In some regions of the world, children are maimed and deformed by their parents, so that they can open the heart's of traveler's who feel sad for the beggar's and the clear needs. In some region's, young girl's are selectively harvested for slave trade. In some regions, children are captured by electronic devices, and mass confusion. What we see, and what we do, is our life, and what we don't see, is our life as well. Is missing a hand, having a deformed leg, appearing in need, any more tragic than the shut-in, the CPTSD, PTSD, anxiety, hyper sensitive unobservable needs of many? The fact is, we are all disabled in some measure of human potential and action.

The obvious inspiration of today, is that having a hand out, is the way to be who god desires us to be. Assume everyone is in need, everyone has trials and tribulations, everyone is our neighbor, and everyone is our enemy, and we should love. them as we love ourselves.

How can you awaken to life each day, know your gratitude, and not be inspired to do something good, god, God like.


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