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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspiration Tuesday

The word inspire, comes from the Greek, spiro, to breath. I think, therefore I am, I am, therefore I breath.With breath comes the oxygen to think. A trinity, yet again. Somewhere between middle and new English, inspiration became the power to influence, and a heart active presence. Respiration is the taking in, and exhaling of breath. Expiration is the cessation of inhalation, respiration and inspiration. Transfiguration is the Tibetan bardos, (see the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Rompoge ) the movement from the soulful, spiritual flesh, into the circle of life, and the reincarnation of yet another life. So Inspiration Tuesday is a day of rebirth, and of life.

I am inspired by so many things. I am inspired by kindness, and I am inspired by hate. One to rise up, and the other to rise up in opposition. i will never take hate to be an antidote to hate, but a surrender to the darkest of solutions. We need, now more than ever to practice loving kindness. Our teachers have emphasized this truth, throughout the ages. An eye for an eye ends in a blind world, Loving thine enemy as thyself ends in a new paradigm, and a beautiful village to come. This Tuesday, open your heart, and the inspiration of all that you hold holy will enter.


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