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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspiration Tuesday's:

For the most part, inspiration comes from within, and philosopher's warn against having human sources of inspiration or fulfillment. It is important from the stoic world, that we recognize what we can influence, and what we have no influence over. Thus, to base your state of emotion and being upon the outside world is risky business, and woefully dependent upon human perfection.

This being said, I am inspired by the change of the guard, and the juxtaposition of Kamala Harris into the Presidential race. I am always on the side of the most forgiving and tolerant, and I was unhappy with the criticism's of Joe Biden. I did see the melt-down debate and on-again, off-again performance level of his recent days. I didn't see him as having either dementia or Alzheimer's progression, but felt he probably had one or more TIA's, which are minor strokes that typically have full recovery. None-the-less, there was a clear blind-spot in my views on the subject. I am happy that Joe stepped down, and happy with the functional acceptance of Kamala as nest in line.

To see the vitality of her early response, the clarity of her speaking and the overall honeymoon acceptance and support of her candidacy is reassuring and encouraging. It places Donald Trump right in the middle of "who's old now"? discussion's, and his stress-related on-again, off-again speaking performances are going to make the age-card they were playing, come back to haunt. Her DA and prosecuting attorney experience is a match made-in-heaven for her "under-his-skin" debate and rally style. The avalanche of donation's in the first 24 hours and the alignment of most democratic party caucuses and advocacy groups is remarkable. Now she has clinched the delegate votes needed to be placed on the ballot, all, in under 36 hours.

So I am inspired that the "old guard" days of DC may finally have come to an end. Believe it or not, the old white guy discussion was ongoing when I was in my teens in the 60's. Old geezer's and old ideas are nothing new. A test of this truth would be a review of every Presidential state of the union address for the past 60 years. old white-guys, almost exclusively until the 2,000's. I am happy to pass the baton, and hope that the era ahead has some new ideas and something new.


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