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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspiration Tuesdays:

The incredible lightness of being.When we wake up each day, or after each nap, we become aware of our breath, and the immediate surroundings. Light versus dark, warm versus cold, silence versus noisy; just the effortless process of awakening each and every slumber. An awakened mind might not occur on any given day, an open heart, clear vision and perspective, attentive listening are more constant states of sensory experience, though they can be nurtured and developed with the right attention.

So each day, we awaken, and either choose wisely or commonly find our familiar. Rut's, traps, conflict, discord, are some peoples familiar's, and they often prove to be self-fulfilling. I have an inclination that these groundhog day repetitions come from fear, habit or taking life too seriously. If your day to day life feels overwhelming, heavy beyond measure, then quite possibly, you are giving too much power and authority to the outside world. Putting your nose to the grindstone is practice that leaves noses flat. If you didn't wake up tomorrow, what? The world stops spinning? There is no sun. Life will go on, when we we go on. Probably life will go on if we don't get everything on our to do list completed on or ahead of schedule. We have certain basic needs, rest, movement and some fun, companionship, the lists are many, but many of us sacrifice these needed practices for our busy life priorities. It might be nice to try an inspired awakening, where your choices include your needs and some wants as well.

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