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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspirational Tuesday's:

This be the last time I use the moniker for Tuesday's. You see, I really think we should try to live inspired lives 7 day's a week. When I first resumed blogging after a 10 year absence, it was stand-up Friday Funny's that was the most challenging theme to blog about, but I was able to move through and past this blockage. Next came "Inspirational Tuesday's" as I entered a 6 week period of extreme depression and exhaustion. I knew, or at least hoped, that this too would pass (which it did. And Inspirational themes as come easier. I had a topic for today, and then a regular follower and friend texted me three song request's, all very relevant to recent shows and blogs. This brought me instant inspiration, and I have rehearsed and added three new, but familiar songs to my set lists.

Both in Pan' and, I have talked about a truth, that I have had shared with me, that it can be the little things that push over the edge, and it can be the little thing's that brighten our day. A smile, an acknowledgement, a complement, or maybe a simple courtesy. A new Lynyrd Skynyrd song, Simple Man, thank you Marla. A simple take-away from this topic is that, we often approach our lives as hard, and burden filled, and often take the familiar, complicated and challenging path's. So, reflect, and meditate on whether there are more natural and simple steps for you to take today, tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow.

Jusr as we seek to reduce our energy and time restraint's we might "car pool" our daily lives. Natural would be to make a garden your exercise club, and brisk walks your aerobic training, with some walks actually replacing the use and dependency on your car.

There are so many DIYS medium's that it is much easier today, than in the past, to learn how to turn your garden produce in great, nutritious and inexpensive meals. Yesterday, after 14 hours of soaking I made almost 2 gallon's of humus, with the cost of some garlic, onion, salt, dry garbanzo beans, and tahini, at a total cost of under $12.00 plus my enjoyed time in the kitchen. At around $5.00 a pint, the retail value would be $80.00. I think Thoreau discussed this truth in Walden, when he told a neighbor that he could walk to Pittsfield in a nice day, and arrive before his friend could put in a full day's work to buy a ticket for a coach.

With simplicity comes frugality. Maybe a little extra time to do other things that help you define your own Good Life. Many things about America, and all the places and countries that I have visited comes with certain economic, institutional and societal expectation's and requirement's and necessities (perceived and mis-perceived). To clearly see where you over-complicate, or are blind to the some of your perceived necessities as really want's or silent acquiescence of the "be like mike" mentality of our nation's and societies; you need to reflect, meditate, sometimes seek counsel, and form intention's with your new perceptions. Often, this pathway leads to even more simplicity, calm and happiness.


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