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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Inspirational Tuesday's:

"When it rain's it shine's". I came upon this new phrase around Roseburg on my return from Brooking's. I am so, so inspired with Brooking's as our final destination. Almost everything on my trip went as hoped, and the only glitch, has both an easy plan c and d (I've used up all the capital letter's, A-Z, during my past 8 years. Our, refers to me and my fiancee Sarah. The coast is like Maine with magnificent rock statues in the ocean, two river's, more and more beautiful nature and city park's, than I have ever seen, seeking these in Asia, South America, and North America, and all the people were friendly, a town of 6,600, where everyone knows and likes their neighbors. Most have dog's for walks, and a lot of retiree's with companion and service animals, sky was welcome everywhere, a first.

Property is more than K Fall's, but very affordable. I have a realtor chosen, Calvin, a property manager, and a credit union bank account. My Altura was a dream, 40 plus mpg, turns on a dime, super quick and perfect for a Black and Mild smoker with a service lap dog. Another trip this weekend, and then complete move out, on September 20th. I will either share an apartment address, or a post office box, once I have landed, but all email addresses, phone, blog and facebook sites will remain. I am twice in love. Once, and eternally with Sarah, and now with a close farm, superior home near Brooking's. There are some affordable properties that fit this ask, but also fixer upper's that could add more land.

I stayed in a very nice motel, the Brooking's Resort Inn, which I can recommend. 3 logger's shared the space, and got up at 2 like me. We were very friendly, and there doesn't seem to be any animus in the town. Even, Aaron, the city policeman who pulled me over at 5:05 this morning. I had been told by a woman at a really good Mexican Restaurant called Pablo's, that I would be pulled over before the weekend was over. The town is 3 miles until the second bridge and Brooking's Harbor, and a 20 mph speed limit, with 2 or 3 police alway's on patrol. I had placed my temporary license on the front windshield, not the rear as I found is where it is supposed to be mounted, no plate's yet. First time I ever saw the non-seasonal" Christmas light's a term, used for police lights, in recovery and treatment program's. All my document's were in order, and he was very nice, and having been told to expect it, I pretty much stayed out of PTSD as we concluded. Later, I observed a dangerous driver, tail gaiting, at 70 mph, up a freeway, with only one car length. He or she kept this up for about a half mile, as the lead car took this long to pass the car on the right, and then nearly hit that car as they got "out of the way" as fast as they could. I figure the right lane car was watching the maniac tail-gait for half a mile, expected a rapid lane change, and held off the break, hoping. I saw the business name on the van, and watched for about 20 minute's hoping to see a state trooper or a sign for a OSP exit. Finding none, I got off, and called 911, later seeing an OSP number, starting with 7, but forgotten, I will put it visible, as I have reported clearly drunk driver's before, being a night owl. 911, sort of police, immediately refered me to the OSP line and another officer Aaron took the call and was very grateful. So when it rains is shines. 3 encounter's with police today, all ending well for all. This blog's message is why I am so inspired this Tuesday.


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