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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Living the Good Life; Thursday's:

For many decades, America's public schools used an A to F grading system. A: Excellent, B: good, C: acceptable, D: failing, F: failure. 100% was a perfect score, 98-100 was an A+. So, when we say "living the good life", we are giving our life a B grade, better than average is all. We don't say living the great life or the perfect life for a variety of reasons. Most people, and all Christian's know that humans are not perfect, so there is very little sanity in seeking perfection, As for pursuing excellent, most humans have shades of gray when it comes to shooting for the stars. Most people have a comfortable laziness when it comes to 100% effort, and in our aiming low, we rarely hit the excellent mark. This is a form of predetermination, and leaves us as an unwise citizenry.

The Methodist's are the only faith, within the 9 largest Protestant churches that distinguishes between Christian perfection and human Christian perfection. Aiming high, but taking humans as not perfect versus flawed or weak caricatures. The imperfect man can be vigilant and steadfast, and achieve remarkable levels of living, or accept the comfort of the current situation, A mind that's weak and a body that's strong may load 16 tons of #9 coal, but it will rarely create masterpieces, discover truth's or rise to our full potential. A mind that is strong, and a body that is weak still has promise. The body knows how to repair and heal, and our job is to remove barriers from our natural self-healing; this is where miracles happen.

My grandparents family had male pattern balding at 40 that his ever male, except me. At 70, I have more hair than any had at 35. Why? It's simple; trying to live the great life from very early on. I began water fasting 55 years ago, along with yoga, I had already learned meditation techniques and employed prayer regularly. I began shopping for organic as much as was possible in the early 70's, and learned much about the corrupt US Agriculture system. The FDA allowed 400 preservatives and additives in the early 70's while Germany allowed only 10. DDT was still residual in the soils and conventional produce. I began therapeutic juice fasting in 1972, and this joined in with the water fasting to be multiple fasts every year. I had my college and graduate school nutrition turned upside down when Dr. Budwig of Israel revealed the powerful biochemical combination of amino-acids, essential fatty acids and lecithin. She used this protocol for cancer's and I jumped on the bandwagon with my entry into treating soon to be named AIDS. I would add superfoods, high potency supplements and appropriate herbal formulations, and continue to see added benefits. At 70, my facial skin is supple, I have no crows feet or wrinkles and I can still job, bike, hike and lift a pretty hefty amount of weights.

I've written about the Blue Zone's and would endorse adding as many of these common societal practice to your life. Aim high, and perchance you will come to believe, as I believe that the ages of people in the bible were not only possible, but factual.During this time, world oxygen was 30%, versus the 18-20 percent of today. All food was organic, nutrient rich soil and no modifications. Other than times of war, famine or catastrophe's life was much simpler with much less stress. People felt part of a family, a village and a community. Faith and spiritual practice was ever-present, fasting, prayer and meditation were standards of the way of living for the early Jews. With all this going for them, I truly believe that the human body can be grown and thrive for at least 200 years, providing that you mimic our original culture and environment.


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