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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Living the Good Life, Thursday's:

In the early 80's American Surgeon General Koop stated that over 60 % of western illness is caused by bad diet or nutrition. He also stated that nicotine was more addictive than Heroin, which is not true. Cigarette's are more addictive than Heroin, but not tobacco. It's the 1,100 chemicals sprayed onto the tobacco that is both injurious and addictive. we have major reduction's in American intake of "tobacco" product's but have twenty times the national death rate from lung cancer than when we had tobacco only cigarettes in 1937, Once again proving the FDA to be a totally corrupt and harmful organization, with made up science to benefit their rich influencer's

Adolf Just wrote in "Return to Nature" in 1901, that our sense of smell leads us to proper dietary choices. That smelling a ripe peach elicit's hunger, though standing next to a cow does not. We are a fruitarian species, and have to alter non-fruits with fire, processing and spices to make it palatable and digestible. To live a good life, stop paying any attention to the FDA, USDA and advertiser's, for they are "Grim Reaper's" of satanic nature. Fire the bunch of them, lock some up, and start over. The are guilty of well over a million unnecessary American deaths each year as well as bankrupting the nation.

So, relax, don't try to choose your diet or life-style from liar's and criminals, and return to nature with a predominantly fruit based approach to eating. You will be amazed how much energy and revitalization the body is capable of when treated with respect.


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