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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Mo' Friday Funny's:

I was less than impressed with my previous blog. Comedy deserves better. I never could remember the joke I thought of a few days ago, but I awoke, knowing that I'd better be better. I watched all the late night monologues, and didn't choose to steal any jokes or theme's; it wasn't hard to do. I took note of their methods, and their chosen "sticks". While I have no comedy writers for my Friday Funny's, no collection of political misspeak's from the news, no photoshop to "add humor". I did note that one of the bands now has a single woman musician, funny how network is blind to some of their own embarrassments. Live audience and laugh tracks are also not in my broadcasts. The similarities of the all white, network comedians, makes their shows "canned comedy". Sarcastic, and mean spirited jokes mostly lean from what we call "the left", though when you take in 6 figures for formula performances, its easy to have a secret, wealthy life-style and politics. They play more to the original audiences of Comedy Central and Bill Mahar's and John Stewart's start of The Daily Show.

After a few weeks of reviewing late night, a reached a satifaction that they offer me nothing for Funny Fridays. You can pick on elected officials and public figures, you can pick on your own tribe, and you can pick on your own family, but most other groups are now considered taboo or offensive. As I eased into recall mode of my silly cousin's, aunt's, uncle's and other's in the clan, I was watching news highlight's, and I realized that almost everything held an element of comedy. The media seeks to selectively choose recorded clips and spoken contradictions, to help the collective public recall how absurd a current position is, considering the opposite was true, just a few moons earlier. It amazes me how much recent events are lost into a distant or forgotten memory of so, so many of our nation's voting and adult populations.

Printed press is an endangered species, non economic influence is rarely a tenet of our corporate and private media outlet's, and instead of objective balance, we get re-inforced with more of our subjective views, and divide widens. Our public and private educational system's and model's continue to seek the lowest level of instruction. It has never been optimum in America, with little more than a century for the term public to include, women, people of color and people without economic strength. The curriculum's of America's college's and Universities look rediculous, as we review what was taught and believed in the 18th and 19th centuries, and today's ignorance and influenced standards are similarly a failed model. Finally, we consider the demise of the family and village. As influenced by wars and economic roller coasting, the 20th century witnessed a constant shift in family and village/city traditions, and some of our nurture based skills have waned or even disappeared. I hope that my standup is funny, and also respectful


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