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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Monday's Muse and Music:

The muse exists in most music. The subtlety of melody, rhythm and lyric is nearly universal. We see through our own eyes, and hear through our own ears. Some people say the rhythm is what grabs them, other's have favorite instruments and sounds. Some resonate to favorite artist's and genre's. Most of the time, we gradually capture the lyrics and the message, and soon, it is part of our landscape.

My life is in an upward trajectory, and today's song's are mostly songs of love. I feel like you can never have too much love around, and as a theme it is a pretty good choice. Love songs, sonnet's, lullaby's are comforting sounds, and comfort normally equates to recharging or resting, and most need more quality rest, though we all have many needs when it comes to living well and living easily.

Easy is not lazy, nor disconnected, but it is mostly a state of mind. To live easily means finding joy and often purpose in your labors. Labors of love, needs as much refinement in cleaning our bathrooms as in decorating a cake or playing the piano. So the theme of muse of music, is to choose wisely. To awaken with gratitude, reflection and visioning for the day, and then by choosing wisely, we can accent and enhance our days walk and dance.

Some days, I crave good old rock and roll, or the classics of the master's, other days it might be jazz or show tune. For me, music is not white noise to dampen the cacophony of our busy worlds, but is a living choice of our daily lives. Silence is harmonious, and with enough silence, there is a rhythm that comes naturally. Think upon these things, what is your intention for your home environment? Ocean waves, water, rain drops, the crackling of a fire are all natural harmony's or sounds that afford rest and comfort. Think upon these things and choose wisely, tune in to my pod cast for a bunch of love songs.


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