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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Music Monday:

Laughter, music, movement and dance. These are the essences of the human experience. Service and gratitude are the natural expressions of the good life. Disobedience to loving kindness, the unnamable spirit of the creator ('s) of our worlds, is the cause of almost all pain, suffering and death. Let go, and let God, is the reason we thrive; control and attachments are the reasons we fail. Not fail in the material world, but failure in our spiritual circle of life. Nothing physical is eternal, so attachments to material is a great cause of pain, and not walking our talk.

Music is Meta. In our emersion into deep musical presence, we become one with the spirit. Re Lee Gon, religion means uniting the soul and spirit, just as the word yoga unites from the east. Religion is now a cultish self-aggrandisement of the christian and Catholic faiths, in which one church holds themselves pridefully above the others. One Lord, 15 different interpretations. They can't all be right:). In fact they are almost universally wrong, human error, and pride are not obedience or at all reverent to the life and teachings of Jesus. I wish, that I didn't have this opinion, but, as far as I can tell, every religion, outside of indigenous peoples is an absolute fraud and rife with cultish practices and beliefs.

When we find and join a church community, we need to hold great tolerance and forgiveness, but the weekly intrusion of the ego of the pulpit is a darn sure guarantee, and while community is a place of loving kindness, churches have their dangers. The word church, originally meant our own body. Going to church meant prayer, reflection and meditation. We are all flawed humans, not perfect, don't you know. Churches often call these acts, sins, and the human's sinner's, but willful intention is rarely our practice, we just have a proclivity to make mistakes in our lives. The guilt leads us astray. The false human truths and opinions lead us astray. If their be any blind obedience to pastors, ministers, Rabbi's, then this is the equivalence of demonic possession. You find saints in all quarters of the world, some rich, some poor, some housed, some homeless, some well fed, some hungry or starving.

The word saint originated in the anti-nicean period of the Roman Empire. After crucifixion, the people who followed the disciples of Jesus, met at great risk in caves and other places outside of the Roman empire, or they would be fed to lions, meet the gladiators, or or be martyred. Justin Martyr was where the name came from, but Imblicus, Valentineous and many others were publicly martyred by the Caesar's to fight the growing Christianity. The Jewish peoples crated an anti Christian, baby eating conspiracy theory, that was late an anti Jewish tale, by Rasputin, called the Elder's of Zion. Henry Ford, a Nazi, published this Elder's paper in a monthly two page eddition to his Newspaper for his employee's. BTW Henry bought a vessel of Thomas Edison's next to the last breath, a sure sign of satin worship to the evil Fascist Edison. Tesla was the genius, Edison was an overlord, taking credit for a vast worker bee force of engineers, scientists and other's who did the work to Edison's credit. I think it is the fifth of Gandhi's golden rules of labor, that states when a man is paid for not working, another man works for no pay. Ford, Edison, Hitler, Trump, oh so many that follow this path. That's it today, last day of 2023, tomorrow, I stay on point.


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