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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Music Monday's

"Music" Latin from Greek mousikē (tekhnē) ‘(art) of the Muses’, from mousa ‘muse’. The word "muse" is interpreted as a source of inspiration, especially : a guiding genius.C. S. Lewis was a wee bit of a 20th century muse. He gives these 7 guideposts to a life well lived.

  1. Pain is the instrument of change

  2. Suffering is a tool of introspection, allowing us an opportunity to more fully seek God

  3. Abandon pride, pride distances us from knowing God

  4. Death is a part of life, of living and helps us understand the eternal nature of God

  5. Forgiveness is an act of courage and integrity and self-love, freeing us to seek higher purpose

  6. Question and doubt everything. Search for truth and meaning.

  7. Practice and live in gratitude

Throughout the writings of Lewis, he constantly advocates loving-kindness and compassion. A few years before WW II broke out, he had a "road to Damascus" awakening. He had studied myth, mythology and theology, but considered himself at best agnostic. In one moment, he saw a face of God, that he had always known, but had never seen. From this moment on, his faith in Lord Jesus and God would never falter. His WW!! BBC broadcasts to the troops, would be bound as the book "Meer Christianity" and heralded as one of the most significant writings on Christianity during the 20th century.

My blog readers will see that this list coincide's with the lists of the Stoics and the teachings of other sacred philosophies. Back in time; from an ethical and spiritual basis, much of this muse is found in the seven deadly sins, and the 7 virtues (antidotes in the Egyptian mysteries).

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Virtues

Sins Bodies Virtues*

Pride Seventh Humility

Greed Sixth Liberality

Envy Fifth Kindness

Anger Forth Patience

Gluttony Third Abstinence

Lust Second Chastity

Sloth First Diligence

*From Psychomachia (“Battle for the Soul”) Prudentius, c. 410, but dates back at least to Hermes


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