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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

No opinion's Wednesday's: Good life Thursday's:

When someone says they have "no opinion" on a subject, is this not an opinion? Defined as a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. As opposed to rhetoric: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. I think, therefore I am” is a famous Latin phrase, cogito, ergo sum, that appears in the work of French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes (1596–1650). Descartes first published the phrase in French as je pense, donc je suis in his 1637 Discourse on the Method to reach a wider audience. So, in some ways, crafting opinion's is the ergo sum of life. From opinion, comes shared opinion's often in the worthless rhetoric of Plato's letter's. Another less greek version is; it is better to remain quite and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I took a personal challenge yesterday to try to not craft any new opinions for 24 hours. It was a different and challenging practice, similar but totally different from the quiet mind of meditation and or yoga. There are probably ways to accomplish this as a discipline, but for me I had to play the rabbit, and constantly take my thoughts to non "thinking" views. Old memories, white noise of reruns and YouTube, and basically giving my all to tolerate a higher level of constant pain. I think that I kept opinion's to a minimum. Persuasion should not be needed for natural truth's. So, maybe it is better to keep your mouth shut. Then again, what would I fill Wednesday's with, if I dump opinions and move on to news, current events and commentary. Say, that's not a bad option, so this No Opinion's Wednesday/Thursday is the last, and I will try my best to stay away from opinion and rhetoric in my commentaries.

Part II: I will now do a much better job of song selection. There are many favorite and familiar songs that I can cover on guitar, but I have been choosing songs by rarity and relevancy to the topic or theme for the day. When a good wine turns to vinegar, it is no longer a good wine, when a song is sour, it is not much to do about music. I will still try to theme out my songs for the day, but will stay with songs that I can easily play and find a good range for the arrangement. Way too much painful renditions. The good life Thursday is the theme of "letting go". I used to say "mama didn't raise no fool" when I was young, but "non" fool is not necessarily serious business. Letting go means not being afraid to see when you are wrong about something, and allow false opinion's to be replaced by quiet wisdom.


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