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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Opinion's Wednesday's:

The world and the nation are inching toward mass destruction, and unrest on college campuses is approaching the level of the anti-war movement of the late 60's. More and more people are seeking asylum, and a chance at life. They come from Island nations, from Africa, South America, central America, Asia and are often seeking protection and shelter from the storm of gangs and corrupt leader's. We called ourselves the "melting pot" and recognized that shelter and hope provides a strong society.

Border states are bussing emigrants to major cities and destinations in a few "blue" states. This increase in emigration, has strained resources across the country. This, while we are experiencinrg local and national crisis' of addition's, homelessness, untreated mental health problem's In some ways our society sort of resembles the game "wack a mole", except there are hammer's coming from all directions. On the world arena, everyone is bursting at the seams, with the tremendous conflicts that seem to be ubiquitous, and heading in the wrong directions. This too shall pass, is a phrase, that people often use when there is too much of a bad thing. Truth is, our history is rich with wars, conflicts, coop's and invasion's. They have come, and they go, and the come and they go.

There is a favorite quote that I hold dear in hard times. It is Mathew 6:26. SV Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? NIV Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. The air we breath, the water that sustains are almost always given's, though we, as humans's, are giving nature a run for her money. We are all going to shed our skin's, at the end of our current phenomenon's called life. In the olden day's of America, we used to say only two things were certain, death and taxes. Seem's like a lot of people have figured out how to avoid taxes. So, wh

ile we are living, it is helpful to both accept the current reality, as well as remaining alert as to what you might contribute to the overall good of humans, animals and the planet. And, hang in there a little bit longer, if that's what it takes.


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