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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Opinion Wednesday

Gosh, I gave some of my opinions last week in the blog and Wednesday show. "Opinari", to think, is the Latin root of the English word opinion. Its contemporary definition still holds that opinion's are personal thoughts. They are therefore subjective, and as such they represent personal truths not universal truths. At least not often. They are bred individually by our own chosen soil, intentions and physical gifts and limitations. The scientific and societal "opinion" and research holds that women speak their opinions with a greater voice of the heart, or right brain, and that these opinions are measurably more accurate than left brain opinions.

Rudolph Steiner, one of the 20th century's true geniuses, established the core of the Waldorph schooling system. Reading is not to be taught until adult teeth enter the picture. Words have been corrupted by time and a variety of influences, and the infant mind is hard pressed to handle this confusion. Pythagoras had his Greek school of seekers in Itraly, so he would not have to conform to government dogma and beliefs. Our educational systems maintain conformity to 'essential" societal values and beliefs. After 250 years, nearly all the objective base of society has been corrupted and influenced by coorporations, lobby's, influence pedlers and a plethora of personal causes and beliefs. To be a straight A student, one must memorize false truths, harder than to submit to the opinions of the state. Then you get the education from our parents, family and communities. Often these stories are contradicted by the truth of actions that visibly surround our opinionated beliefs. This results in a perpetual fracturing of the values of the peaceful village.

On the flip side of our 250 year experiment in Democracy is the separate state of religious freedom. Throughout the millinia the village had few different religions with familiarity. Significant change in spiritual concepts was rare, and the walk, of the talk of the church was, with time, evident. Sometimes nation states from both the east and the west would crusadfe in an attempt to control vast regions, and often instill new religious mandates and practice. Humans have a tendancy to act opon their opinions of truth and need, often with little or no moral constraints. Religions of human direction have universaly died out with time. Reformation brought us at least a few dozen separate Christian religions, with 9 succintly different Protestant belief systems and interpretations of the Holy Book. As a melting pot, the US now holds place for nearly all of the world religions and spiritual systems. St. Agustine is credited with the quote, the Arch of Life always veers towards justice. No world empire has survived time, and no new Paradise has unfolded from the hundreds of religious practices around the world. The seemingly hollow words of religious leaders throughout time has led to an ever growing agnostic nation, with most holding on to their local or remote church like a life boat in a vast ocean of uncertainty. It is my opinion that this agnostisism is good. My studies reveal the concept of loving kindness to be found in all religions. Helping those in need, tolerance, honesty and personal constraint will allow a nation to heal, and right now our nation is in very poor health.


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