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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Opinions Wednesday:

Like the anal orifice, we all have at least one. Today's opinion has to do with judgement, intolerance and the needed antidote of forgiveness. I believe it was Descartes who said it is hard to free people from chains of their own creation. So True. Forgiveness was a major theme in so many patients over the years. Physical, mental and emotional distress and illness was almost always revealed to be self inflicted due to an unforgiving obstacle. Our bodies are just the car we are driving (Krishna Murti, Think on these things.), to be heaped in the junk-pile at our passings. Don't cry for me Argentina.

Cars follow natural laws of fuel, maintenance and the physics of their existence. So do our bodies. The gas stations of the USDA, FDA and CDC are dispensing dirty watered down fuel, harming the vehicle, and ignoring the societal consequences. All destroyed by monied lobbies within two years of their conceptions. In our, not-too-distant-pasts, we humans consumed over 200 different species of plants and fungi, now 90% of world agriculture is growing 10 species of plants. We are profoundly deficient of many, many nutrients. Our soils are impoverished and our foods are poisoned with hundreds of agency approved chemicals. Their only function is to divide our nations agricultural production into "recommended" intake, three times a day, to keep the pions going to work, and producing wealth for the few. The FDA, CDC and USDA should, in my learned opinion, all be abolished yesterday. They kill many more people through their policies of monied lies, than they protect. Write your representatives. You can cite "Crimes against the pure food and drug act", written by the founder, Dr. Wiley, in 1906, two years after its creation, when Teddy Rosevelt sold the bureau of chemistry to a corn corporation (Monsanto) in Georgia.

If we are ever to find peace, justice and equality, we have to change the American Paradigm. We need to consume, much, much less, not find more resources to consume more. We need to recognize that all people are God's children, and worthy of love and support. We need to quit being so high and righteous, both as a nation, and as individuals. Hold no grudges, hold no intolerance, and hold no hate. Life is too precious to anchor ourselves with these levels of burdens. If you don't know what to do, take time to meditate, and look to the heart for direction. That's my opinion for today.


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