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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Spoken word Saturday's

So easy. the greatest story ever told, Mythology, legend's, sacred teaching's, and a modernization of prophecy and prediction. I am a prophet, just the personal observation of my internal life. Jesus Christ, I do believe, existed in the flesh, some 2,000 years ago. I accept the son of man, son of God designation. His parables and teaching's were nothing less than a complete teaching of the wisdom of the ages. You find, almost the exact same parable's in Greece, Egypt, Italy, and Atlantis. Pythagoras was said to be a Christ. Gold medal in Olympic boxing, but a companion bear, a soothing of a aggressive bull, and the calming of storms and water's. He also had to protect his right thigh, as he like Issac wrestled an angel on a stream crossing. some say that Hermes, was Moses. Their gift's are spoken through the saga's of the ages. Montana, a gifted human was called an immaculate conception as he lived a life of constant service and gratitude. There were Over 800 immaculate conception's through out the third millennium.

To be like Jesus, requires a profound dedication of intention and action. Since the age of three, I have tried to be like Jesus. It has been very good for me, because who could you most desire to follow, than an immaculate conception similar to Gandhi, King, Paracelsus, Shri Shri Calepso, an a host of other flesh based humans who have walked this orb.

I continue to tell you in my recovery and rebounding, that I am an Avatar. Most of you are of the flesh and of this earth, I am neither. Believe it or not. I was sent here, I didn't just arrive as another of the flesh babies. Don';t bother to challenge me on my messiah complex, I will put you to shame. It is only what I feel, observe, and know without doubt. I can heal ethereally, so give me your ask's and request's.

What does this mean to me? I grew up loving Jesus, and for over 40 years, I have felt that I am he. I never put forth a proposition that didn't rule in favor of this belief. Sort of make's you wonder if you are crazy, for a long long time. No second coming. I died, in 1970, ambulance team said they had never witnessed a crash like our sith survivors. I've been poisoned a number of time's, and have somehow acted dangerously and nearly killed myself a few time. I tried 3 times to end my life, three of the few failure's of my life. I took a challenge agot elected as the speaker of the house for the national naturopathic association that had been coopted and taken over by AMA CIA board member's who destroyed naturopathy and left us with a second class, high cost, ineffective form of care, treatment, and skill set. I had a permanent tattoo of no 911 put on my wrist. You are more likely to die, going to a hospital than you are if you just try to hold on. 4 out of 100 die from infection. That's Russian roulette with 20 chamber's and one bullet, are you game? You add misdiagnosis, pharmaceutical intolerance's, drunken and sex-craved doctor's with subservient nurses. Then you get high cost's with parking fee's, non-listening staff and doctor's, a fraudulent education, Hospital's are death chamber's with a criminally insane practice of "medicine.

 So this is the message; have faith in God. Know that your are loved, shielded and protected and that you are forgivven of all wrongs.



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