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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Sunday gathering:

It is another Sunday gathering. We speak on John 15:13 , Lao Tzu, Thoreau, and Watt's. Peo credentialed books and universities. Please read the bible, the encyclopedia, the Idiot's guides and all the most credentialed works, books, references and philosophies. What your find is an endless loop of uncertainty and unanswerable questions. So, where do we find communion and relevant reason to gather today? Awe and wonderment occasionally fills our lives, but the names "the ever present" and "the unnamable" are two good names for God, that don't elicit arguments about "the name of God", and the traditions and rules that go with each faith.

I have spent a life-time of study and the practice of philosophy, metaphysics and theology. I have also spent a life-time in the fields of physics, chemistry and mathematics. I had very gifted teachers and professors in all these fields, and I came early to realize that special relativity was the only legitimate way to approach matter and energy. When you delve deep into the microcosm's, you find that there is no substance, only observation of probabilities of "something", unexplainable, existing within the observed time and space. I firmly believe, with good cause, that all is light, and light is a wave or sea, and not a pixil of particles. It is the human observer's tiny point of observation that gives meaning to Einstein's "special theory of relativity". His theory is E equals M (mass) C (speed of light) squared (only two dimensions) times lambda squared, which is the speed of the human observer, far less that 186,000 miles per second. Lambda has a definition of the wave length of any wave, but in the case of the reflection of one photon of emission energy, it is relative 0.

What this says, it that the unnamable is light, is love. The Buddhist concept of maya or illusion is right on target from a special relativity consideration. Sound is slow lambda and is light. Smell is intermediate lambda. Vision has a human spectrum associated with our rods and cones of proprioception. So, our perception of all that is, is confined into a species related, point of observation. There is no "substance", just as there is no complete religion or faith, that has a whole understanding and perception of God, creation or the essence of life. Life, is, was, and forever will be, beyond the capture of the human mind and intellect. Light, Love, Kindness, Compassion, make the Biblical quote, whenever two or more meet in my name, I will be there. When two or more come together in a spirit of love and light, there is a field of higher luminescence. If that field is the light of Jesus, then it grows in the wavelength of Jesus. If it is in the love and light of the Buddha, Shiva or any other sacred named energy (deity), then the shared wave lengths are additive, and a field of luminescence grows.

Therein lies the answer to the days question. Why meet in a "gathering" of the Home of Loving Spirit, to illuminate our lives and world.


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