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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Sunday Silence

The word Sabbath, means "no commerce". Church, Temple and Synagog services are anti sabbath, unless they are recognized as weekday practice. The 7th day was rest. Jesus turned over the money tables, and we fail almost universally to heed the advice of our elders, our prophets, our saints. avatars and immaculate conceptions..

The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was officially defined and proclaimed in 1854 by Pope Pius IX:

It has its roots in the New Testament.  We find the greatest support for this doctrine in Luke 1:28, where the angel Gabriel calls Mary “full of grace.”  In the original Greek, the word is kecharitomene, which St. Jerome translated into Latin as gratia plena.  But the Greek word has a meaning deeper than the Latin or English might at first suggest.  Kecharitomene is the perfect passive participle of the verb charitoo.

Charitoo · to make graceful. charming, lovely, agreeable · to peruse with grace, compass with favour · to honour with blessings.

There were over 800 immaculate conceptions between 1,000 B.C.E., B.C., The Greek and associated words designated "immaculate conception" as one who lived a life of honor and service. No blemishes. So many that we revere in life, were immaculate conceptions. This has only 1/800th relevancy to Jesus. The word immaculate conception has nothing to do with son of God. Son of God, Son of Man is the Jesus, Catholic rhetoric or gospel. It was a blood thirsty Roman Emperor, who, trying to save 700 years of Roman Empire conquests, as the empire was falling, who devised a grand scheme. He placed a 5 mile bank vault of riches, into a fraudulent schism of The Church of Rome, with the emperor as Pope, chosen by God, similar to the Ptolomies of the Egyptian Pharoh's. Constantine Chose Nice, Not Pisa. He said that he prayed to Jesus to win an un-winnable military battle, and that if Jesus assured his victory, he would create a national church in Jesus's name and honor. Only trouble is that satan offered the world and Jesus declined. Rome moved all the Gold, art, ceramics and other conquests to "VATICAN ""V"" City, where they remain the greatest wealth in the world. .Incest, Inquisitions, Inclusion as the conclusion of the Bible with Mein Kampf, a Book by Adolf Hitler, don't you know. During world war 2. Franco of Spain, a good Catholic, murdered a few hundred thousand, leading up to WWII. Italy's Benito Amilcare Andrea, took most of his wrath out on the Ethiopians, as his generals negotiated at bastardly, dastardly abandonment of the African, English rail, to protect Paris from a nerve gas plan by Adolph Hitler* (* "Days of our Years"). Ethiopia would fall to Mussalini, and Italy would gain status as a worthy Ally to Hitler. 7 years later, Italy would be taken, by the allies, and unlike Germany, no wall dividing it's capital between Stalin and the allies, Italy would rebuild without a Marshall plan, and take its place in the European community.

My blogs are a tad bit political, as I finish my trial run of daily blogs and live broadcasts. This past commentary finishes a story, but has little to do with "Silent Sunday". As I formally launch tomorrow, I will do my best to conform the blogs to the daily themes. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y'all.



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