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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

The Muse, music on Monday's:

Harmonic resonance and rhythm, draw us in, and the words tell a story. Wars are fought over "words", but rately when they are lyrics to a song, or words within a poem. Today, on my pod cast, I take aim at the Portland City Leader's, the pharmaceutical madness, the military industrial complex, Police, and clown's.

Here is an article from M. Gandhi, entitled "Medical Madness" from "The African Voice" in November of 1911. Sound familiar?

Transcribed from 

“Manav Mootra”

(Auto-Urine Therapy)

A treatise on Urine Therapy for universal health


Raojibhai Manibhai Patel

Bharat Sevak Samaj Publication 

Pankornaka, Ahmedabad, 380 001

First Edition, 2,000 Copies, December 1963

Insert on front cover

Gandhiji on Nature-Cure

“Forty years before, I happen-

ed to read two books by Kuhne,

The New Science of Healing and Return

to Nature. Since then I am an

ardent believer in Nature-Cure.

Pages 238-242

Page 238

Chapter II

The Craze For Medicine

By Gandhiji

(Mahatma Gandhi while in South Africa, wrote a

few articles in Indian Opinion on “General Knowledge

about Health”, Therein he has given his opinion on

the medical profession. He has also quoted a number 

of physicians. The articles appear to be more appli-

cable today even after a lapse of more than half a

century. We are quoting one below because of its

great importance for a seeker of true health. Indeed 

it is worth mentioning here that Ghandhiji was a great

naturopath in practice and had cured hundreds of

patients thereby.)

It is our habit that, at the slightest illness, we

rush at once to a doctor, vaidya or hakim. And if we

do not, we take whatever medicine the barber or our

neighbor suggests. it is our belief that no sickness

can be cured without drugs. This however is sheer

superstition. People who suffer from other causes are

—and will continue to be—fewer than those who who

have suffered, and are suffering, because of this super-

stition. If, therefore, we can get to know what con-

stitues illness, we should be able to take a somewhat

balanced view. “Darad” means pain, “Roga” means

Page 239

much the same. It is right to seek a remedy for 

pain, but it is futile to take drugs to suppress pain.

Actually, the result is often harmful. Taking medicine

has the same effect as my covering up the refuse in

my house. Refuse which is kept covered will putrefy

and cause me harm. Moreover, the covering itself

may putrefy and add to the refuse. I have then to

get rid of the refuse which has since formed as well

as that which was to begin with. This is the fate 

that befalls people taking drugs. But, if one throws

out the refuse, the house will become as clean as it

was before. By giving rise to illness—pain (that is)

—Nature, in fact, informs us that there exists impure

matter inout body. Moreover, Nature has provided

within the body itself the means of cleansing it, so

that, when illness occurs, we should realize that there

exists impure matter in the body and that she h

both to cleanse me and cope with my resistance. I


page 240

can assist Nature, for instance by getting rid of the 

effective cause of the impurity, so that more of it does

not accumulate. 


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