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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Thursday, living the Good Life:

I was making what would later be named "smoothies" back in the 60's. I developed and intolerance to soy protein powder and honey. I had to, for 4 years, go from 200 pounds for football to 178 pr 168 pounds (4 % body fat) for wrestling. 800n calories a day with over 6,000 burned in daily triples. An hour of 6 am indoor sprints, 2 hours of wrestling and then a 10 mile run.We would run and lift weights during the weekend along with two days of weight lifting and our daily stretches (yoga). US High School Hall of Fame wrestling coach Bob Shubert told us that he never faced a team with better conditioning and better flexibility (fewer injuries) than his annual accomplishments. He crafted my diet, two pieces of dry toast for breakfast, a cup of cottage cheese for lunch with a hard boiled egg, and 8 ounces meat, a small salad, rice and a cooked vegetable. I never violated this diet, and lost too fast, losing to a wrestler I handled easily at 178.

6 years later, during my annual trip to the Monterey Jazz Festival, I met my soul mate in San Francisco. She left her boyfriend and moved in with me in Portland. She had spent time at Hippocrates Clinic in Boston, and introduced me to fruit smoothies, as I had been making fresh vegetable juice and culturing yogurt for many years. My smoothie experiences pretty much stayed with fruit and flavor, until I was introduced to green smoothies, and later crafted my bio-fuel .restorative compounding. This is the smoothie, that I will introduce on tomorrows live broadcast. Tune in, and feel the boost of super foods.


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