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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Thursday's Living the Good Life:

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's ideas, words, or work as your own without giving proper credit. It can be intentional or accidental, and it can take many forms, including:

  • Copying and pasting: Copying parts of a text word for word without quotation marks. In this day of cut and paste, it is so, so easy to put other's word's into your own mouth.

"Just do it"; a good trademark for Living the Good Life. The problem is that book titled The Russian's are coming, the Russian's are coming, and to state this as my own, would be illegal. It would be a line that Jill St. John said to Carl Reiner in the opening scene of the movie that was made from the book. A few year's later and advertising firm from my home town would "come up with this new brand" for a billion dollar company whose name was taken from an ancient time. No plagiarism in the name, but trademark law's don't apply to 2,500 year old word's or phrases. Just look at the ease that William Shakespeare used so often.

Reflecting on past Thursday blog's, with an agreement that the word "Good" is a subjective "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" type of phenomenon. So, in our live's, just do good. Do good for yourself, and do good for other's and don't be upset if someone calls you a do gooder. This comes from so many angles of our life journey's.

For me, to live the good life mean's choosing foods that energize, but also taste wonderful. It mean's being aware of your feeling's and state's of consciousness, and adapting when ever things bring you down, or don't sit well. An analogy, that applies to friend we choose, home's and town's we choose, school's we find for our offspring, (ceprin' for the childless cat ladies), our partnership's in life and work, our attitudes toward's life, and finally, maybe most importantly, our life career choices.

I embark to a new home, leaving Portland after more than 70 years. If all goes well, I hit the road, in a U-haul, pulling my car, in 8 days. Numerology happen's to place the number 8 as "new beginnings". and our number 8 is the greek letter for infinity, turned 90 degrees. Damn, even our english, and modern number's plagiarized from the Greeks:).

I also embark on my forth career life path. Part will be the continuance of these blogs, pod cast's and future opportunity's of direct zoom consultation's. I have been a teacher for most of my life, the meaning of the word doctor, of which, I earned 3 over the years. And then there is that which has been a continuous thread of my self chosen career's of my past, and that is music, stage, theater and comedy. Other than planning for our marriage, that's probably enough for my fourth birth and rebirth. This is today. Soon, what we call tomorrow, will be today, and I will alway's retain my ability of self-choice and if there is a 5th path in the future, today, which is past tomorrow's tomorrow, will always afford new song's.


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