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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Thursday's Living The Good Life:

I posted this blog on my facebook page, just to finally let my long concerned friend's and follower's know that I am good, and finally really living the good life.

After unloading the big U hall truck into my storage unit, even the 250 pound stone tribute, our mother and father, the calm of the coast, has already set in; after 20 month's of fight-or-flight chemistry. I had already discovered that nothing wakes up until around 8 and that 9, 10 and noon is when shop's open, on an inner state highway!:) Obviously ODOT does nor affix ADA standard's to their highway's intersecting small rural town's, as there are sidewalk's everywhere, but where the majority of senior, disabled, especially wheelchair and senior scooter traveler's; with constant areas, where the bike path, next to the traffic, is the only option. Being a highly observant, and often outspoken person, the sidewalk's, the use of styrofoam, and the poor math and english skills of the local education system (my presumption from encounter's with 18-60 year olds; at the post office the teller knew the first name of everyone in the line, ceptin' me), are my only criticism's, normally I could count at least a hundred problem's with 4 day's walk.

I have, overnight, 14 hour's of deep sleep, landed lighter than I can remember. My mental organizer, both day and tomorrow, has moved from blurred to a fine, sharp level, my editorial and writing skill's returned in trump's, and my 5 book's in the wing's can have my final review and then to Luminaire for self-publishing. My blog's should immediately show this return. The late rising of the town, especial those early 3 am to sunrise hours, that I have lived since college, (when I often "studied" in the club's around town, until 2:30, often going home with friends, not to sleep right away, ah, youth) I will have my most productive writing and composing year's. and later, when Sarah and I find our home and land, composting as well. and manly farming (God created woman, and Rockefeller and his gang of thieves created lady's, (Emma Goldman), and the "Gentleman and Sir" go back to the queen and her "goodfellow's and lady's", so manly and womanly, casual farming, with the tractor and back hoe replacing my typical pick and shovel. I don't need a team of horses to pull a plow, but I do hope Sarah let's me adopt two horses, and some other "pets" like egg baring chicken's a goat and a bigger country dog come to mind at the present. 12 egg's each morning, 11 tablespoons of raw goat milk, 10 minutes with each dog, 9 miles of walking the trails and beaches, 8 ounces of fresh juice, 7 hour's of creation, 6 hours of love and friendship with Sarah, FIVE Golden moment's with sustained Dm7 augmenting, 5, then D rising to Eb, just to spice up a traditional show tune arrangement, don't you know, 4 tropical fruits from our banana belt garden, 3 hour's of tender care for the pet's and garden, 2 hours of partner yoga, and one hell of a time in paradise. This is a spontaneous keeper for me and will be replacing "You've got a song" on our songwriting tutorial, I will remove the "banana belt" garden that is not universally recognized, spice it up some, maybe find some slapstick lyics, here and there, but at first I will sing it with 12 different recognized voice's, and later on stage the manly farmer with 100 voices will take shout's from the audience with musical sport's theater. Getting my five books to print, doing a quality pressing of the 12 day's of paradise (patent copy right, Omar Bailey, this 19th day of September, on this 2 thousand twenty forth year of our lord. believe it or not; once I post this post, I have legally copyrighted "12 day's in paradise"; stay tuned), with Christine Pedi and her 12 day's of woman diva's, and the Beatle's man with a hundred voice's being enough inspiration to put this project high on my paradisiacal t"o be list", as opposed to the city mouse's "to do list", how Jedi of me. Vol's not mice live in the wood's around here anyway, and I've never heard anyone say we need a better vol trap, ceptin's coaches playing the Tennessee Vol's.

I was going to get a PO box, but with the addition of a paid-in-full Nisson Altura, a paid-in-full rental, I should be able to get an apartment address and skip the PO box, until Sarah comes out.

I am hopeful that this post greets you all in good health, and that some of you can finally cease worrying and being concerned for my well being. All is Well, and btw, Thursday's weekly blog is themed "living the good life" and I am.


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