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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Thursday's Living the Good Life:

I have written a few times that there are 17-19 words for God in the Bible. In America, we site the Alaskan Inuit native's with their 300 words for snow, as an example of how words (subjective) can co-exist with things (objective). With this in mind, let us look at the word "good".

Good, is in the eye of the beholder. So, my theme title; "Living the Good Life" is a highly subjective blog, but as blogs are words, and words are subjective vagary's, the subjectivity, of the word good, is inherently guaranteed. This is a grammatical discussion about qualitative versus quantitative properties of words. Perchance, living well is a better theme. We individually define the words good and well, though when good is applied to our feeling's, it is highly subjective. I added living life well as a subtitle a few months into my blog's, but I guess I should have edited the title.

Hence forth, Thursday's will be titled and themed living well. Now, about living well. As a qualitative discourse, this is only defined individually, and like good, well is how we see it. At the end of a day, do you reflect upon your thought's, word's and action's? How do you typically rate this review? Is your body free of pain, functioning "well"? Are you able to set intention's and achieve goal's? Are you happy? What is happy? So,.....when I write about living well, I write as a spiritual healer and counselor, a retired primary-care naturopathic physician, herbalist, stoic and mystic. I review literature, studies and current events, and try to season these into my writing's.

My personal "good" life, or living well includes an active spiritual, prayerful, meditative walk, treating my body as a temple with organic, garden fresh, foods, mostly raw, often juices and compounded super smoothies, and regular fasting, both water and juice (See my books; The Fasting Diet and Juice Alive). Walking is my major form of exercise, with walking meditation (Thich Nhat Hanh) a regular part of the walk. I bike, jog, but prefer aerobic hiking in the woods, and ecstatic dancing.

Gardening with bio-dynamic building of the soil is always an intention, if not a common reality in my life. I have almost alway's been a foodie, first with multiple sports and fitness as the goal, I later improved upon this to favor the body, mind and spirit, not just the flesh. I have taken culinary training, and a great many courses and workshops on raw, dehydration, and vegetarian cooking. I like the source to sea approach to life, soaking the seeds in your own saliva, planting with the moon's cycle, nurturing with care, water and observation for additional needs, nutrients and pest control. I want to sit comfortably with my meals, and either break bread with grateful friends or just hanging with my service animal Skye.

I had promised a low fat, low calorie rellono's but mixed up an old enchilada recipe, and ended up with a new casserole. I couldn't find feta for some reason, everything else, but different display's, so I went with ricotta, a 1/2 inch spread on the bottom of a glass casserole dish, then 3 cans of smoked green chilli's, a quart of low fat cottage cheese, then the whipped egg whites with yokes blended in, topping the casserole. It ended up very nice. I spread a lot of Mexican Cheese blend on one end, as neither James nor I are looking for low-fat, low-calorie. Guacamole, diced tomato's, diced olives, salsa, chips, Mexican quinola, and refired beans, both with ample stir-fried garlic and onions. All 8 essential amino acids, high levels of tomato and pepper anti-oxidant's. Good balance of starch, fat and protein for a main meal. I like a very light breakfast, with fresh fruit and not always heavy on protein.

Determination, moderation, self-control, kindness, gratitude, service and humility are my compass points throughout my daily walks, and I have maintained this way of living for most of my life, so I think it is here to stay; for me, this is living the good life.

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