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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Thursday's Living the Good Life:

In previous Thursday blog's, I've discussed how, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, happiness is in the heart of the individual. What's more, we pretty much get to choose our attitude's, gratitudes or the latitudes of self-obstruction and self-destruction. What we call good might well be avoided by other's, and while what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, most of us are not happier with the experiences of pain and betrayal. So, we try to avoid pain, and try to choose friends wisely. Hopefully our friends can make up for our family's and relative's.

Two important studies were conducted with human subjects in the early 80's. One recruited undergraduate student's and with waiver's gave two populations the same natural agent (adrenalin) and half were complemented prior to injection, while the other half were criticized. The complemented felt euphoric, the criticized went into fear and tear's. The second study measured endorphin levels in capillaries of women about to undergo C-Section's in hospital's in France. The surgery procedure was provided to the women, and it was found that endorphins concentrated in the regions at a four fold increase, reducing pain, and enhancing healing. The conclusion is that we can control pain, with simple awareness of the situation. Endorphins are found to be up to 800 times as powerful as morphine. We can control, fear, tear's and sadness by planting seeds of uplifting music, sounds, poetry and scripture, comedy, loving friends and the list goes on.

Chose to live the good life, and see what follow's quite naturally. Honor the body, with thought's, food's and hydration. Consume your foods with gratitude and friends when able. Walk every day, the more the better, the more, the merrier. Take up hobby's and when one hits the mark, begin to include it into your daily, or at least weekly walk. "Hit's the mark", mean's we enjoy doing it, it does not harm other's, and we are pleased with the results of our efforts. Then, we are living life well.

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