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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Tuesday's Inspirations:

Updated: Jan 2

I have recognized seasonal and holiday blues in myself for over 30 years. Last week, I couldn't find an inspiration anywhere. Obviously, I was looking in the wrong places. Most days of the year, I have a constant, open mind, to inspirations, and they are the heart and blood of my best self. Yet, there are times when a multitude of different influences can alter my ship from easy sailing to almost land-locked. Sometimes you realize you are stuck, other times you just are oblivious to you inattention to yourself. In the 80's and early 90's, I would take from my office formulary, usually one at a time, but, St. John's Wort, high levels of Vitamin D and an increase in my B vitamins, essential fats and lecithin. For whatever reason, for the past 30 years, I just take note of the SAAD, and get on with my day.

The multitude of factors that influence our moods and mentality are quite broad, involving many different systems and organs, as well as environmental histories. It is broadly held that brain serotonin levels are the dominant influencers in the elevation our our moods (therefore reducing our adrenal cortisol levels and activity). Serotonin levels are dependent upon the adequacy of a number of essential amino acids; this is both dependent on the intake of adequate protein as well as a functional digestion and absorption of our proteins, commonly not true in the American culture. Pain is another influencer of brain serotonin activity, the negative influence not being reversed by the use of pain medications. Pain can come from impaired circulation, including many trauma's, as well as reduced oxygen transport in heart and lungs. Elevated levels of many heavy metals ( lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic) negatively impact many cerebral activities. Finally, for the moment; solvent's, molds and other chronic microbial conditions, pharmaceutical and other chemical utilization, on a regular or daily basis.

Depression was first discussed in Western Medicine by Paracelsus. His writings held a rare compassion, as his mother died when he was 7, of severe depression. Melancholy was the term of the era and included a tremendous number of different conditions, or humor's. Paracelsus focused on what we now consider a depressive disorder. He never came up with a cure, but did discover the mineral zinc, also that topical mercury would cure the syphilitic Large Pox (tertiary syphilis), rampant in the navies and merchant fleets. Depression remains one of the least narrow diagnosis in medicine. Symptoms vary tremendously, serum levels of related hormones, neurotransmitter's, and nutrient blood levels are totally inconclusive. There is no 24 hour positive or negative test for depression, and there are many different approaches to treating depression in our country, most pharmaceutical.

How is this a blog on inspiration, you might wonder. Well, inspiration is a state of mind, influenced by nature and nurture. If inspiration is waning or absent, look to all the above influence considerations, inspiration may be right around the corner, and with it, many other positive mood and intellectual benefits. Keep on trucking is you're stuck in the fast lane, or land locked.

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