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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Tuesday's Inspirations:

Time's such as these provide a constant feed of bad news and disturbing narrative's. Not only are there conflicts in every area of the world, but the planet itself is at a critical risk. In reality, the planet can hold it's own, its the biomass on her tiny skin that are at risk. Individually, there is little we can do that would make any huge difference, and a state of powerlessness can easily occur. With these perceptions, we can retreat, trying to find the best way to survive, attend to our own needs retain some sense of community. Or, we can identify and accept these natural responses and then bid them farewell, finding an acceptable balance.We can still provide for our needs, choose our wants, and find community. Here, you are much more likely to find epiphany's, inspiration and a better life.

The word "balance" is critical in the above discussion. It is a deep, and never perfectly achieved state. It was the central, core tenet, of our "Father of Western Medicine" , Hippocrates of Kos II. Balance is union. In balance we live proactively. Union of the body, mind and spirit is only discovered in balance. As we seek this gateway to our own happiness, simple and obvious road signs are everywhere.

There are basic natural needs of the body, which in turn influences our mental and emotional states. What we choose to focus upon, dictates our mental and intellectual activities. Which in turn influences our physical health, and feeds our emotions. Emotions are our natural responses to situations and concerns. They are real, for us, and stain or illuminate our world. Again, imperfect balance is fundamental to the easiest walk.

Simply spoken. The body needs regular rest. For the majority of people this averages around 8 hours of sleep, cumulative on the long term. The body needs movement, but meta analysis, shows that more than 4 hours of strenuous activity per week, is the point of net loss, and harms the body more than it helps. We all have both highly individual and species related nutritional needs. The government RDA's are vitamin levels that represent the minimum level to prevent a related deficiency disease. It is grossly inadequate. There is a scientific essential need for Essential Fatty acids, but no RDA, nor recommended intake. Many essential nutrients are not monitored by the FDA or USDA, and neither agency seeks delivery levels, but only presence in a product. Preservatives, additives, intestinal and digestive distress all reduce bio-availability and do not show elevated serum levels as an outcome.

So balance says we should look to tradition, and historical evidence in our pursuit of a good life. Do not overreach in work, so that you can make time for your needs. Shop wisely and eat for nutrition and flavor. Eat it a peaceful environment. Walk daily, probably 5-10 miles was the human average some 10,000 years ago, a guesstimate. Dance, sing, make music, laugh and seek a peaceful cooperation with those challenges that society brings your way.

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