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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Twin'sday's Blend, Inspiration's and opinion's:

I'm still landing in regards to my move back to my home of a year ago. It's been both a long saga, and a 14 month life of wack-a-mole on a rollercoaster. I blended a Monday music, Tuesday blog, and did two pod cast, but fell behind for the moment. My inspiration was the magic of the body's ability to recover, and to day, after day, awaken to a new day. It's the stuff that toothless old philosopher's grind their teeth around. Seizing the day was a mantra of the stoic's before it became a battle cry of the Roman's.

I have been around longer than most, and I can't remember a time, when the world, as a whole, was in such chaos and pandemonium. I suppose, like almost every other unpleasantry that we encounter these days, we can look to the disruption's and upheaval's around COVID as a major contributing factor. The era of COVID was more like Pearl Harbor, than a mere epidemic of the past. Massive economic bale-out's preceded massive government expenditure's around the epidemic. One in five, long term friendships, ended over the pro and con debates about vaccines and government action's/inaction's. Travel restriction's and government closure's traumatized an already vulnerable international work force, International manufacturing suffered, and the food supples to third world nation's became even more tenuous.

Now, some 4 1/2 years later, we suffer the cause and effect of such major upheaval. Nation's are having armed conflict's, coop's, and wars, along with Russia and Israel leading the charge. More hunger, more conflict and greater separation of the have's and the have-not's. So many different fronts of concern and need, and then we have the "Street's of anytown USA". What is one to do, when they see the vastness of our world's, and planet's problems?

For me, the answer to these eternal question's always comes back to seize the day with gratitude and service, reflection, prayer, intention and good work's. Our own life load's are our's and almost alway's manageable. Burden's are almost always of our own tolerance and permission. We can hoist a burden now and then, but we cannot hold the world upon our shoulder's. The stoic principles above are coupled with the principle; always know what you have the ability to influence, and what is outside of your control. Set the best goals and intentions, but set realistic goals, and enjoy the fruit's of your life.


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