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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Wednesday's Opinion's, current event's and commentary:

Walt Whitman wrote, in "Leave's of Grass", "Song of Myself, or My Song" wrote, "the tiniest field mice (vole) is miracle enough to befuddle the minds of a sextillion infidel's". From the time of Father Peter Damion, 1049, Das Gomorrah, defined an infidel as a non-Catholic or one who doesn't believe in God, or a beast, (other faith's and the Catholic Church definition of bestiality. This was the official Catholic Church proclamation's after the second Catholic Synod, in 1050, under Pope Leo the Forth.

It was at this Synod that the term sodomy was coined and integrated into Church vocabulary. Sodomy was defined as any and all sensual, sexual pleasure, masturbation, intercourse for pleasure, and the only non-sexual sodmy was when two Catholic, married people try procreate for the benefit of the church. It is no wonder why the Catholic Church backed Hitler during world war two, and placed his Mien Kampf at the back of the Bible, while assisting Franco and murdering over 100,000 liberal Spanish Catholic's and Priest's from 1935-1938.

Some find it hard to imagine that Catholic's are Christian's. This is almost self evident. The wealthiest entity on the planet, preaching and starving, sustaining genocide, like the Jew's also continue to do, though less wealth, fewer numbers.

There are many totally anti-Christian groups that use the Bible as their source. Most are what I consider cult's, but many are "main-stream", with mega churches, and well-meaning congregation's of people of faith, and seeker's who follow human logic, and pastor's who are either ignorant or self absorbed, and attractive to the masses.

History has shown that divine change, through a prophet, avetar, or saint, rarely retain integrity for more than two generations. The follower's are not believer's, but those who seek inclusion and fame. Soon, the best intention's become the worst outcomes. Have a really good time at church next week, and consider whether your routine really is following the voluntary poverty of Jesus, and working to restore God's presence, and the Garden.

President Biden, ignored by benny, has had to stand up for the American hostages, but continues to let the "Red Tent" cell of Israel rule, and kill, destroy and steal. Ex-President Trump, under huge stress, has pretty much lost it. He is on the edge of certifiably insane and delusional. We, as a nation, continue to talk, and talk, and talk, about homelessness, mental illness, police culture, racism, sexism and the like. It is so boring to follow our democracy, our media estate, and the illusions of grandeur that have been the hallmark of American self concepts. Tune in at 8 am, songs to be chosen, but the blog, additional commentary and live music. Tomorrow, Thursday's Living the Good Life, discusses the Blue Zone's and life practices that lead to long and healthy lives. Friday is standup again, Saturday's spoken word follows with Henry David Thoreau and other's and Sunday's Gathering discusses the 3 original deadly sin's, or Eve was framed.


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