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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Wednesday's Opinion's, news and commentary:

Opinion or fact? They are not the same word, though many hold their opinions to be truth. There is an old joke about a policeman coming upon a traffic accident and declaring that there were three truths of the accident, what driver 1 saw, what driver 2 saw and what really happened. In mathematics, the is the formula, A plus B plus C=?. By this formula A may equal C, B may equal C, or C might be none of the above. Sit at a dinner table with many different opinions, and see you EVER get the table to agree with what "C" really is. Probably not, in my family and friends, we quickly learn what topics to not discuss at dinner. We say no politics or religion, but try to convince an uncle that Rap is music. We humans have a lot of opinions. In my experience, few opinion's are clear representations of objective truth. Few Christian's toss the Bible to follow a human, though we come close in our choices of the pulpit talker and shared community. The Bible stays on track, but sometimes the cumulative influence of the church body, changes our own perspectives of the good book.

If there was only one world religion, with many "denominations", we would probably have our inner-faith religious war's, our denominational prejudice's and and our vilification of some or many denominations as we show a historical truth of wrong pursuits. For over 3,000 years, group's, city state's and nation's lived in perpetual conflicts, in the pursuit of wealth, power, fame and fortune. It seems as if the "tree of knowledge" ended a one world religion, and our wondering's have led to opinion's and not wisdom. The paradise revisited, can only be found within. In your heart, not within you "thinking", but heart, soul and spirit. Understanding life's truth cannot be placed in an academic curriculum, a seminary training, but can come through wonderings and sharing with mentor's, god parents and true friends. From the bully pulpit, we might find inspiration, or good compass points for where we are in life, but it comes down to our own power of surrender and revelation. Good luck all.

In the news, March 2024, wars continue to dominate the world press and attention. Politics are entering uncharted waters with legal chaos and power plays throughout the political landscape. 3 new star wars spin off's are announced on the same day. Nations are in conflict-within on most continents and many island nation's. Individual's are wearing thin, with all the stress, fear and uncertainty, leading to a societal state of confusion, and conflict. Where this new, high level of discontent leads, may someday be posted in this blog, but for now, only time will tell. Live podcast at 8 am, topic is Opinions.

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