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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Wednesday's; Opinions, current events and commentary:

There is such a thing as "natural law". Nature is mostly predictable, but human's are a different story. The long standing debates over whether "Global Warming" exists, have become silenced, whether due to other breaking events, or the year after year of record high temperature's and dramatic storm activity, only time will tell. The fact that the ice caps are melting remains constant, and water is emerging as a precious commodity.

If there is one societal quality that seems evident, it's that human's talk, and talk, but rarely walk their talk. If we talked about global warming right now, we might factor in the thermal nature of Russian and Israeli munitions, and the enabling aspect of the US weapon's support programs for Ukraine and Israel. Over 2,500 people arrested for campus demonstration's during the past 3 week's, Today's college students have been the leading voice of environmental concern for the past 8 years, and here they walk their talk, and administration's are freaking out.

All the while, in NYC, we just witnessed an event that hypes up opulence and wealth. A fashion event, themed after a literary work about the garden. Superstars dressed up in the most bazaar of outfit. One even had to be transported up the stairs as the outfit didn't allow her to bend her knees. A clear case of fashion over function. Nearly every gown was 100% show, each "contestant" hoping to get best in show, or best in some category. Little 15 minute's of fame, that the rich and powerful seem enslaved to grasp. What good does any of this non-functional wealth provide? It all eventually becomes worm food, no mater how many dependent's try to hold on. How many food storage reserves feed the hungry? How many summer houses do you get to drag through the pearly gates?

The moral, from a philosophical point of view, is that humans talk, and talk, and rarely walk their talk, and they are headed in the wrong direction's.


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