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Writer's pictureSteven Bailey

Wednesday's, opinions, current events and commentary:

For about two weeks, hurricane Beyrle dominated our news and current events, pushing the Israeli Gaza conflict, the Russian, Ukrainian war, the conflicts in Africa, Malaysia, and Island nations. Now we have a two week.political hurricane. An assassination attempt, the withdrawal of Joe Biden from the Presidential race and the meteoric rise of Kamala Harris.

From a point of despair, an understandable increased tolerance of Trump, who immediately blew it by doubling down on his negative and false accusation's, we have turned a full 360. Cries for Biden to step down, due to age and perceived declines in mental health, were replaced with a nearly universal endorsement of Kamala for President. She broke fundraising records and half of the donor's were first time donor's. Young voter's are re-engaged, minorities are feeling hope and hope of inclusion. Now, Donald Trump's advanced age, evident decline in his messaging, poor choice of VP, and lack of appeal to independent's, have become an entirely new election process. Four years is a long time and it is a very short time. So many variables come to play, such as what is the makeup of the House and Senate. How well can Biden resolve the Israeli Gaza Hostage situation?

The supreme court has a few old member's and this is a senate approval process, with the President nominating the candidate. It will take two appointments to end the partisan voting block of the current court. The makeup of the house and senate, as to youth and diversity will influence the work of the next president. Success in Mega races is another important consideration. If Trump looses, even if it's close, which I don't think is likely, Mega will follow the path of the once powerful tea party. The RNC will be bankrupt, and without leadership, and the Republican Party will have to look hard and long at their reflection. Trump's autocratic and bombastic style has probably made the return of the RNC at least 4 years away, so if Kamala wins, she should have a four year window to create and pass her agenda items.

Few could have imagined a President having only 30 staffer's with government clearance (normally 600), appointing 3 and stacking the supreme court. gutting the AG's office and attempting an insurrection, but it happened. Therefore the late Biden agenda item, of term limits and a code of ethics, for the Supreme court is still a worthy change.

Kamala chose a public event, over meeting with Bernnie, and this might well mark a significant change in US military support of Israel. Her views and track record are public domaine. She has never had a forum to give her ideas about emigration and border control. Her friendship and kinship with Biden leads me to believe that she will try to make this right for Joe. Her Vice President will probably be a man, with one of three major areas of expertise, labor and jobs (Shapiro), military efficiency and capability, (Arizona) or homeland issues of mental health, homelessness, addiction and crime. Shapiro and Kelly are the current frontrunner's.

My opinion is that this is an exciting time of radical change, occurring organically and not through inspirational leader's, and therefore, for the first time in over a hundred years, a non-violent revolution can occur on our own shores. You say you want a revolution? Tune in for talk and music, no later than 8 am PDT.


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